Posts in Post Production
How To Make An Electronic Press Kit For Your Film (EPK)

An Electronic Press Kit is a digital document that has various information and images about your film. It’s a vital piece of marketing for your film when submitting to film festivals and making sure it’s the best it can be is a key piece to getting your film accepted into festivals. So let’s go over all the things that need to be included for an electronic press kit for film including some tips on how you can really make your film EPK shine.

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Why You Should Shoot LOG

LOG is a camera profile setting that allows you to shoot a super flat image. What I mean is that you can capture footage that has more dynamic range, giving you extra details in the shadows and highlights. The resulting image when shooting in LOG might not look very flattering, but it will actually give you much more flexibility in post because it's retaining more information. Thus you'll have the ability to push the image farther in color correction, allowing you to get unique and different looks without overly crushing blacks or losing details.

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