Posts in DIY Filmmaking Tips
Zoom Video Lighting Tips

Nowadays it feels like we spend our whole life on zoom. It’s how we connect with friends and for some of us even how we work. I mean right now my entire job is remote directing where I’m on zoom all day. And like probably most of you, I suffered from bad lighting and unflattering camera angles at first, but as a filmmaker I knew this wouldn’t fly. So I thought I’d share with you some handy zoom video lighting tips so I can show you how to look better on zoom calls.

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How To Properly Wrap A Cable - The Over Under Technique

When your film shoot is over and everyone’s rushing to wrap the set, it can be tempting to rush through wrapping up equipment. However, not wrapping XLR cables probably can actually damage the cords on the inside and result in a knotted mess the next time you try to use it. So let’s go over some tips on how to wrap a cable properly.

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How To Do SAG-AFTA Paperwork (Part 1) - Preproduction

You’re ready to cast your film and want to hire the best you possibly can, so you’re thinking of hiring union actors! Union actors, or SAG actors, are usually more experienced and thus can offer more polished performances, which is a major up side. Plus by going union, you might have the chance to attach some known actors to your film. But on the downside, there’s lots of steps involved in hiring SAG actors, and on top of all your normal paperwork, there’s lots and lots and lots more paperwork to do. So let’s go over the various pre-production steps and paperwork you’ll need to do to hire SAG actors.

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Directing Non Actors For Film

As an indie filmmaker you might find yourself working with non actors from time to time. These can be friends or family you’ve roped into helping you make your film for free, locals you want to use for authenticity, or perhaps people who answered a help wanted ad you ran for your film.

Whatever the reason, just because they are non actors doesn’t mean you can’t get good performances out of them. You just have to approach them with completely different tactics than you would professional actors. So let’s talk about a few tips and tricks you can use for directing non actors for film.

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Full Frame or Crop Sensor Camera For Filmmaking?

As DIY filmmakers, you probably are already considering shooting your film on a DSLR or mirrorless camera. But when it comes time to picking one, do you choose full frame or a crop sensor? Can you even tell the difference? Well, let's go over some of the pros and cons for each, so you can decide which sensor size fits your filmmaking best.

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