Tascam DR-10L Lav Mic Product Review

Today I wanted to do a product review on the Tascam DR-10L lav mic. I've been looking for a new lav mic for a while, since the ones I was using were from the 80's. I honestly don't know why I put up with them for so long, but when they finally broke, I figured it was time to upgrade to something, you know, maybe at least from this decade. And after a lot of research and suggestions from some trusted friends, I landed on the amazing Tascam DR-10L.

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Learn How To Shoot Video From Home - My New LinkedIn Learning Course

I'm going to tell you a little secret. I'm not just a YouTuber. I'm also a LinkedIn Learning instructor and have made several courses about YouTube and filmmaking. But the reason I bring this up, you know, besides blatantly bragging is that I think you might actually love my most recent course learning how to shoot video at home.

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Why You Should Shoot LOG

LOG is a camera profile setting that allows you to shoot a super flat image. What I mean is that you can capture footage that has more dynamic range, giving you extra details in the shadows and highlights. The resulting image when shooting in LOG might not look very flattering, but it will actually give you much more flexibility in post because it's retaining more information. Thus you'll have the ability to push the image farther in color correction, allowing you to get unique and different looks without overly crushing blacks or losing details.

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Full Frame or Crop Sensor Camera For Filmmaking?

As DIY filmmakers, you probably are already considering shooting your film on a DSLR or mirrorless camera. But when it comes time to picking one, do you choose full frame or a crop sensor? Can you even tell the difference? Well, let's go over some of the pros and cons for each, so you can decide which sensor size fits your filmmaking best.

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I Failed As A Filmmaker

I failed as a filmmaker, and here's why. A cautionary tale for future filmmakers. So I failed big time, but before we can get into that, we first need to back up. You see, recently one of my short films was reviewed by film threat and it was well less than glowing. So I figured it'd be a good time to take a moment and reflect on this project.

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