Posts tagged vlog
Channel Update - 2022

It’s been a moment. Sorry about that! I took some much needed time to spend with family and just live life, as well… I’m usually so busy with all my various projects that I don’t often get to stop and smell the roses like Spence. Seriously though, he loves smelling flowers and it’s adorable. With the end of one year and the start of another I found myself reflecting on my life goals and how I can better achieve them. And if you haven’t noticed, one of those life goals is directing films. So here's an update about the future of the channel.

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Best Vlogging Phone Setup

Recently I went to the Oregon Short Film Festival and decided to upgrade my phone vlogging setup before I went. While I love my camera, sometimes when I travel I just don’t want to be weighed down by a bunch of video gear and the iPhone cameras have gotten really good, so I like to rock an all iPhone setup. And I’ve got to say, this is the best flogging phone setup I’ve ever had, and I’m super excited to share it with you.

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Oregon Short Film Festival Review

Recently my short film The Round Table premiered at the 2021 Oregon Short Film Festival. If you’ve seen my other videos, you’ve probably seen lots and lots of behind the scenes footage for The Round Table, so I thought this might be the perfect time to share with you my adventure outside, review the Oregon Short Film Festival, and go over what it’s like to go to a film festival right now. So let’s get into it!

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I Failed As A Filmmaker

I failed as a filmmaker, and here's why. A cautionary tale for future filmmakers. So I failed big time, but before we can get into that, we first need to back up. You see, recently one of my short films was reviewed by film threat and it was well less than glowing. So I figured it'd be a good time to take a moment and reflect on this project.

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