Posts tagged lighting
Zoom Video Lighting Tips

Nowadays it feels like we spend our whole life on zoom. It’s how we connect with friends and for some of us even how we work. I mean right now my entire job is remote directing where I’m on zoom all day. And like probably most of you, I suffered from bad lighting and unflattering camera angles at first, but as a filmmaker I knew this wouldn’t fly. So I thought I’d share with you some handy zoom video lighting tips so I can show you how to look better on zoom calls.

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What Does A Director Of Photography Actually Do? - Film Jobs Explained

Directors of Photography, also known as cinematographers, are usually depicted as the person with the camera. But what does a director of photography actually do? Because you might be surprised to learn that often they actually aren’t the person with the camera. So let’s get into what a director of photography does and why they are essential to every film shoot.

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Cheap and Easy DIY Light Diffusion

Hard light can be extremely unflattering on your talent, which is why shooting outside can be tough. Direct sun can lead to harsh lighting and while finding shade under a tree can help, it can also result in uneven patches of light. However never fear, for I’ve got a cheap and easy DIY light diffusion trick that will have you diffusing the sun in no time!

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