Channel Update - 2022


It’s been a moment. Sorry about that! I took some much needed time to spend with family and just live life, as well… I’m usually so busy with all my various projects that I don’t often get to stop and smell the roses like Spence. Seriously though, he loves smelling flowers and it’s adorable.

With the end of one year and the start of another I found myself reflecting on my life goals and how I can better achieve them. And if you haven’t noticed, one of those life goals is directing films. So here's an update about the future of the channel.

Here’s the thing though, starting this channel while extremely rewarding has well… somewhat gotten in the way because every week I have to grind out a new video, and I mean you all have seen my videos. They don’t edit themselves overnight! And because of that I often spend week nights editing and weekends writing and shooting new videos which leaves very little time for actual filmmaking.

So while on break over the holidays I started rethinking my goals with the channel. You see, originally I started this channel to show potential clients and film investors what I’m capable of, so I could get hired as a director. Because as a female filmmaker I can’t tell you how many times people have asked me if my boyfriend helped me make a video that I wrote, produced, directed, shot, and edited. So just to be clear for all those people, no. He didn’t help me. Please stop asking.

Also just to clear something else up, there’s no “guys” helping me out to make these YouTube videos either, unless you count Spence as a guy. It’s all me, baby! But anyway, back to the main story.

Because that strategy to brand myself as a filmmaker totally worked! In 2021 I officially got hired as a full time director for LinkedIn Learning where I direct their live action courses. To be a professional director has been my dream for over 16 years and it feels amazing to achieve that goal. But working a full time job also means I have even less time to crank out YouTube videos or work on my personal films.

So with all that said, I decided that moving forward I’m going to release videos every other week instead of every week. And don’t worry, they’ll still come out on Fridays and if you support me on Patreon you’ll still get to see them a day early.

I’ll also still be doing my monthly Filmmaker Chat live streams, where I interview other filmmakers so you can learn from their sage wisdom.

I know I know, it’s less of me and who doesn’t want to hangout with me right? But by doing this I’ll still be able to help you while shifting my focus back to actually making films. This was honestly a really tough decision for me because I absolutely love helping all of you learn about filmmaking and become better filmmakers. Honestly, it’s the highlight of my day when I get comments like these saying I’ve helped you or that you couldn’t afford film school but FIY is the next best thing. I mean I know I could hardly afford film school. In fact I’m still paying for it. Thanks Salle Mae!

But at the end of the day I’m a filmmaker first and I have some big projects coming up that are going to need all of my attention. Infact, one of them is a feature film I’m in early early early early development on but I’m excited to take my first step into the feature world and learn all I can so I can share more knowledge with you. Plus I’ll finally have some new broll to use in my videos. I’m sure you’re all sick of seeing the same film shoots over and over again. I know I am. And I plan to keep you all up to date with that process as it moves forward with more vlogs along the way.

But another caveat of this is that there might be periods where I will need to take a break from the channel again, just like I did this past winter, so I can you know… shoot a feature film. But I’ll try my best not to have those last too long and always come back eventually.

So yeah, I just wanted to pop in, say hi, and let you know what to expect going forward. Oh and also Spence wanted to say hi.

My Filmmaking Resources:

➜ Learning How To Shoot Video From Home Course:

➜ All of my Filmmaking equipment:

➜ Get Free Filmmaking Checklists through my newsletter:

➜ Get my Filmmaking Templates on Patreon:

➜ Learn how to be a successful YouTuber:

➜ Rent gear like a pro on BorrowLenses:

➜ Get $10 off of Subtitles and Captions for your videos:

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